Keith Treschman published this article in the Asian Journal of Physics in 2014.
One of three astronomical tests of the general relativity theory of Einstein was the gravitational deflection of light. The British total solar eclipse of 1919 is lauded in history as having decided the case in favour of Einstein. This conclusion is questioned in the light of the philosophy of Science and the method employed to analyse the results. The case is put that more emphasis ought be placed on the outcome of the 1922 total solar eclipse in Australia where eight parties attempted measurements of light deflection in the vicinity of the Sun. Importance is attached to Campbell of the Lick Observatory, camped at Western Australia. His results were not completed until 1928. Other leaders, their affiliation and place of observation were Spencer Jones of the Royal Greenwich Observatory on Christmas Island, Freundlich for a German-Dutch expedition to Christmas Island, Evershed of the Kodaikanal Observatory in India also set up in Western Australia, Chant of the University of Toronto measuring at Western Australia, Dodwell of the Adelaide Observatory in a remote part of South Australia and Cooke from the Sydney Observatory and Baldwin of the Melbourne Observatory both in Queensland.
Treschman, Keith. (2014). Early astronomical tests of General Relativity: the gravitational deflection of light. Asian Journal of Physics. 23 (1 & 2):145-170.