Keith Treschman published this article in the International Journal of Physical Sciences in 2015.


This history of experimentation relevant to general relativity covers the time post-1928. Classes of investigation are the weak equivalence principle (equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass and gravitational redshift), orbital precession of a body in gravitational fields (the relativistic perihelion advance of the planets, the relativistic periastron advance of binary pulsars, geodetic precession and Lense-Thirring effect), light propagation in gravitational fields (gravitational optical light deflection, gravitational radio deflection due to the Sun, gravitational lensing, time dilation and atomic clocks) and strong gravity implications (Nordtved effect and potential gravitational waves). The results of experiments are analysed to conclude to what extent they support general relativity. A number of questions are then answered: (a) how much evidence exists to support general relativity, (b) is it a reasonable way of thinking and (c) what is the niche it may occupy?


Treschman, Keith. (2015). Recent astronomical tests of general relativity. International Journal of Physical Sciences. 10. 90-105. 10.5897/IJPS2014.4236.