Tim Napier-Munn and Graeme Jenkinson have published a paper on neglected souther multiple systems in Dorado and Pictor in the Webb Society Double Star Section Circulars.


Measurements have been made of eight neglected southern multiple stars from the Washington Double Star Catalogue. Images were acquired using a Meade DSI CCD camera coupled to a 150mm f/8 refractor, and analysed using Losse’s Reduc software. The imaging and reduction methods were described in detail in DSSC 17. The mean 95% confidence intervals for the new measures were ± 0◦.4 in PA and ± 0′′.3 in separation.


The Webb Society Double Star Section Circulars No 18 Contents. (2010). Retrieved from https://www.webbdeepsky.com/dssc/dssc18.pdf